Technical area control-command and signalling
(according to Bekanntgabe 09 of the AK ZZS)
- Examination of the installation and integration of components into the vehicle
- Vehicle-track integration
- Train radio (analogue and digital)
- Linienförmigen Zugbeeinflussung (LZB)
- Punktförmigen Zugbeeinflussung (PZB)
- Neigetechnik-Geschwindigkeitsüberwachung (GNT)
- Functional test of brake intervention and traction cut off
- Examination of visualization concepts
- Interaction between ATP and vehicle control system
- Interaction with the judicial recording unit (JRU)
- Evidence of operability / confirmation runs
- Execution of confirmation runs by our company's own railway undertaking
- Keeping of protocol by EBA-recognized experts
- Functional tests as evidence for requirements for ERTMS in addition to the TSI CCS
- Transition at national borders in addition to TSI CCS
- Execution of operational test cases of ETCS-based transitions
- Class B <-> Class B (country transition)
- Class B <-> Class A (country transition)
- Class B <-> Class A
- Execution of test runs by our company's own railway undertaking
- Keeping of protocol by EBA-recognized experts
- Execution of operational test cases of ETCS-based transitions